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Sunday, July 13, 2008 ; 4:21 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Life is not as bad as it seemed to be. I still love Sunflower, but I love Sparrow too(:

There's many kinds of people in the huge world out there. And I don't approve of those who are irritating and RUDE. Sadly, we have to bear with it. Be patient with them. Hopefully they will change. haiz. Patience is a virtue... but I seriously thinks its a waste of time.

Monday, July 7, 2008 ; 10:39 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Another new day. I'm beginning to get over it. I'm going back to my normal self. Crappy. Crazy. Lame. Sunny. Cool. Hip. You can choose to live a day happily or sadly. I'd chosen the happier day of course. Being sad doesn't help you to return to the past. So, here i am, talking even more crap. Haha.

I can still return to my normal routine- patrol meetings, outings, blah blah...just not as a sunflowerer.

But! From today onwards, I'm gonna commit myself to Sparrow. I'll make sure it shine brighter than the sun, fly higher than and birds. SPARROW!!! ALL THE WAY!! YAY<33

I'm very shocked at myself, for crying so much, for realising that I have such strong feelings for Sunflower. "I never knew i could hurt like this...." I really will miss sunflower. All your memories will be around, on, in, EVERYWHERE near me! This includes the floor, where we have sat on and talked so much... This includes the corridor, where we walked together. This includes the sand, where we left so many memorable footprints. This, includes every single thing we've touched, saw, laughed at... EVERYTHING!! I will never forget all these precious fantabulous times. [We'll never say bye....] tsk. tsk. This song so meaningful!

<3 wanting
I'm a sunny sparrowian!

My favourite quote: I'M THE SUNNY SPARROWIAN!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008 ; 4:01 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
2 nights of sleepless night. Its good that i'm beiginning to try and let go, i guess. I don't want to think about it anymore. Its just too... heartbreaking. I don't dare to sleep properly, for the fear that IT will appear it my dreams. I don't know what to think, its just too confusing for me.

Letting go would probably the hardest of the hardest things you might have done. Letting go is not just accepting the painful truth, its even more. It hurts you badly, you don't want to feel the pain. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.

Sparrow. Sparrow. Sparrow. Adapting should not being a big problem i hope, hearing that sparrowians are easy to get along with[not saying that sunflower is not]. I'm quite excited for the first patrol meeting now, wonder what we'll do. Is it still the same like the past? I really dont know...

<3 wanting
i'm the sunny sparrowian!

Saturday, July 5, 2008 ; 12:03 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Horrible day it has been. Sparrow. I've seen them flying around many times and never thought i would be one of them. Sigh. I'm really gonna MISS sunflower. OMG. I practically cried my eyes out. So swollen and puffy now.

Thinking back, i seriously think i need to change some of my old habits and attitude problems. dont fuss. dont complain. dont cry anymore. It will take 21 days.

More stuff to do now i guess. More stress. More responsibilities. More things to cope with. Ah. Sounds scary to me. But i will persevere. And i hope i wont let anyone down at least. If i do, i am really truly sorry.

Sunflower was really the BEST patrol in my life as far as i know. I really love the people in there. Although i'm stll quite sad about being out of the partol, i will still stand sunny in sparrow, and bring sunflower's spirit over(: thanks sunflower. if not for you, i wont be who i am today. I enjoyed every single PRECIOUS MOMENTS with all of you and wont forget any of you. Jiayou sunflower! YOU WILL CONTINUE TO STRIVE TILL THE END!!! It's not enough to take the one you love for granted. I'm really sorry too, sorry for disappointing/upsetting any of you.

Sparrow. I will try my best to do what i can to help you. If i fail, hopefully that wont happen, i sincerely apologise deep from my heart.

-Looking at the bright side of things, trying to be as optimistic as possible-
YAY! EVERYBODY FROM SUNFLOWER WAS PROMOTED!!! YES! Sunflower rock man! haha. Congrats to nienping , tab, and shermaine! Jiayou in all that you do and remember me always!! [if not i come kill you XP] ohoh, another thing. Remember to call me down for patrol meetings and outings!! haha (:

<3wanting>i'm a sunny sparrowian!

Friday, December 28, 2007 ; 8:34 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
tralalala! haven't been posting for ages. holiday seemed so fun when schooling and was SO boring when not schooling.ok. except times when i went out luh...dots. school is gonna reopen soon. i just can't imagine how i used to get up at 6 when i wake up at noon almost everyday. gosh, i really sleep too much ok...
i bet everybody is talking about the class allocations and bleh...same here. got into 1WISDOM. good or bad , i dunno.hah. quite disappointed when i saw that we [huilin,mandi and so on] are separated.i don't really think its so depressing until others have to say we are mercilessly torn apart. but anyways, we can't control what other people want to say, so why bother to get upset over puny little matter?
HOMEWORK can really drive people crazy. esp when it is holiday[did i say that b4?] and of course, when the teachers claim that they are graded. lol. going to watch tv

signing off

Thursday, October 25, 2007 ; 7:54 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Heylo again. Went out with hl, mandi, shermae, erica, jolene and crystal. Not exactly very enjoyable but still a fruitful trip (: went to suntec, took many pictures. Ha, went to many boutique shops and tried on many cool stuff on. Ha. Took many pics in them too. hl wore this very feminine dress, she looked pretty. LOL. not important la. I'm so looking forward to SNG fiesta in 2008!!! (although not very keen to sell the tickets) haha. who doesnt want to enjoy and forget about the hardwork? Jolene's birthday is 1 week away. exactly one week. SO FAST! if thats the case, then mine will be nearing soon! hehe. nth to post liao. signing off--

Saturday, October 20, 2007 ; 1:40 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Dead-word to describe my blog[must use descriptive words right?]lol , long time never blog le. many reasons. 001. review test 002. nothing to blog. lol. went science centre yesterday. wasnt as enjoyable as the first time we went cuz this time round got time limit one. Somemore never do anything 'productive' as in what we like to do. Yea, so the whole time was listening to boring lectures and staring into space. Ha. This time round we weren't late. When we went to the Asian Civilisation museuem thingy, we went to the toilet cuz shermae had a stomachache. Ha. took many pictures in the toilet. not exactly alot but still, pictures were taken. I'm damn bothered by the drama thing la. Its like as if purity is so gonna chu1 chou3 again like what happened for dikir barat. Such a failure. currently deciding whether to meet up on monday to practice la. so irritating. what can we do? Our class is really not coopoerative at all la. Although we tried but still not much effort were made. It seems like we haven't learnt our lesson yet huh?

Back To Past

x July 2007
x August 2007
x September 2007
x October 2007
x December 2007
x July 2008

Click to see my memories <3

The Girl

001. real name : wAN tING <33
002. nickname: WANTING!!!
003. single or taken : single
004. zodiac sign : scorpio!
005. male or female :FEMALE
006. elementary : mcs
007. high : ST NICKS!!!
008. college : If i can even pass my o levels
009. eye color : a bit brown.[A BIT]
010. hair color : brownish blackish[ around there. not sure either]
011. long or short hair : short
012. shoe size :isit important?!
013. asthma? : NEVER
014. are you health freak : depends
015. height : sadly 161[i grew ok!]
016. do you have a crush onsomeone: yes
017. do you like yourself: YEA...
018. piercings :yupp(:
019. tattoos : gross!!
020. righty or lefty: if you want neatness, right!!!
022. first surgery : na
023. first piercing : on the EAR
024. first best friend: not sure abt it myself
025. first movie : i cant remember....
026. First sport you joined :er... cycling[ if you consider that as 1]
027. first pet : hamster<33
028. first vacation : malaysia [i guess]
029. first concert: dunno leh
030. first crush : its a secret
049. eating : bread??
050. drinking : milk...
052. i'm about :your age
053. listening to : music
055. waiting for : my PRINCE charming to save me from this horrible world
57. wearing : underwear
058. want kids? : yea sure. why not?
059. want to get married? : how to hav ekids if you dun marry?-idiot-
060. careers in mind? : air stewardess [i must grow more!]
068. lips or eyes? :...
069. hugs or kisses : kiss? hugs? depends on what kind of guy (:
070. shorter or taller : TALLER LAH!!! how to date shorter one... DIU LIAN!!!
072. romantic or spontaneous: dunno... both also can
073. sensitive or loud: BOTH
074.. kissed a stranger : no, but i dare you to.
075. lost glasses/contact: no, i'm responsible you know [right]
076. ran away from home : na.
077. broken any bones : i guess not?
078. broken someone's heart : i doubt so. unless...
79. been arrested : hell no.
080. cried when someone died : i dun think anybody died yet
081. yourself: DUH!
082. miracles : unless it HAPPENS
083. love at first sight : maybe?
084. heaven : yes!
085. santa claus : LOL
086. fairies : people can't fly, even the smallest one. of course fairies doesn't exist.
087. angels : YEAH!!! all with GOD
097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? YES.
098. Is Superman really better than Batman? NO... both are weird to wear undies outside
099. Have you had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at the same time? why u wanna know?

Contacts & Stats

Beloved Loves



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Talksss :D




|6B 2006:)|
what i had.
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
thank you.
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Basecodes : purplekisses-
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