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Friday, August 31, 2007 ; 10:42 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Hooray! No school today. Shocking news to me at first. But quite glad altogether. Yesterday night, phone vibrated few times. But too lazy to check who smsed me. Until today morning, when i got ready for school and was at my house bus stop[luckily], another vibration. HuiLin asked me if i were going to school. I was puzzled, went to look at the other smsed that i received ytd, and some said "Hi, emergency in school, major power failure, power will noe be restored tomorrow[today]. MS chan informed usthat NO school tomorrow. Plspass msg to as many parents immediately and urgently. Tks for your urgent action. Joyce Chan." Yepp. Thats what i received ytd. If i went to check, maybe i wouldn't look like a nerd in my uniform, being the only sng girl at the bus stop. Actually there was another. Wanted to tell her but she board the bus already. Too bad, she needs to make another trip back. XD Lucky today no need to go to school. If not need to hand in Maths journal and home ec. So shit la. Budgeting.... whatever. Can't wait for Friday. If everything goes well, We're gonna have the time of our life! WOOHOOO!!!! haha. Hope i can redeem the tickets quick! Or else need to pay for our own. Haiz. Need to buy acryllic paint. So sian. Troublesome. Need to go J8 to buy. Hope they sell lor, if not they open popular also no use. This hols not gonna be very relaxing anymore. Have so much holiday hw and need to study for review tests. Worst thing. I DIDN'T BRING MY BOOK TRAILS BACK! That Mohana sure scold one. I shan't care. Who will, and why should I?

Monday, August 27, 2007 ; 4:26 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
WOOHOO! I'm so damn happy. Holidays are in ONE week time!! Thats simply GREAT. The sad thing is that i don't want to get my report book back lor. My grades dropped damn DRASTICALLY. I gonna get to the last class next year. SURE one. LOL. So sad cannot go overseas. Coz First week of term 1 is so packed with work. The SouthEast Asian thing due, History assignment due, Chem test, Ting Xie[which i totally suck at]. WALAO. Say holiday also not a 'proper' one, so much work to do. Glad that the typhoon in school has finally settled. Caused many damages to hearts of people yea? Not all involved though. Haha.

A random point: I got this little hamster yesterday. SO cute la!. I just walked past the pet shop and said 'so cute', my mom just got it for me. Yayers. Didn't know she was SO nice! Lol. Its kinda active and greedy at the same time. When i first put it in the cage, the first thing it did was to the food bowl. It ate and ate and ate. Until finally it went to the wheel. Ran so much that i thought that the wheel will just collapse. Of course it didn't. I totally lack of experience on how to take care of a hamster. Its seems so small and fragile that i don't even dare to hold it too tightly. Haiz. Just hope it will chang ming bai sui lor. Hah!

My mom's attitude totally changed. Mood swing i guess. Anyway, life is better now. MUCH better than last time. Yepp. Teacher's day coming soon. Wanna go back to school but lazy. See first lor. Follow the majority =D Today no hw. Thats why so free to post. haha.

Currently on hamster craze. LOL signed off~||WaNTiNG||

Saturday, August 25, 2007 ; 11:17 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
I'm damn troubled recently. School and at home. Both sides give me pressure and stress. I really dont know what to do anymore. I'm tired of everything. I dont wanna give a damn to everything now. I dunno why. My mom wasn't that UNREASONABLE as she is now. Talk to her, she ended up screaming at me. Ask her some qns, she ask me solve it by myself. When i solver it, she said i should have listen to her. What the fuck? (she didnt even tell me what to do!) Haiz, now i long for something that can listen to me. Living or non-living. It doesnt matter anymore. Even if it was a potato, i will probably scream at it. School. PPR, one of the main cause, but not much. I dont really care anyway, nobody does, why should i? There is just some problems that can't be solved. Even if it is, i don't know if i should be glad. i HATE life. HATE everything i have. HATE myself. I really dunno what to do anymore. My heart is beautifully BROKEN.
Many people will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.

He, who loses money, loses much;
He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself
Friends, you and me...
You brought another friend...
And then there were 3...
We started our group...
Our circle of friends...
And like that circle...
There is no beginning or end...

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That is why it is called the present.

Thursday, August 23, 2007 ; 6:13 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
i cried the moment i reached home. Locked myself in the toilet and cried. Cried until i think i ran out of tears, i stopped and bathed. Stood under the shower for dunno how long. depressed. yes. the strongest word i could think of. But i know i wasn't depressed. i was much MORE than depressed. i have no idea why. maybe its the feeling of being alone? it could be left out? and what about being forgotten, or in fact totally forgotten? haiz... i seriously dunno what i've done. i'm not angry or anything, just a bit upset today. Feel happy for huilin and huiyu, but still quite pissed at sher for siding with huiyu and making huilin feel damn bad. now they sorted things out and i'm quite glad. Just a little problem, as i mentioned. this is not meant for publicity, but theres no one i could turn to. i have totally have to say it if not i will just burst. Bursting is not very good... it will just make you go out of hands. it all happened in school today. It was just a TOTAL switch, quite amazing yea?

Drama lesson was enjoyable, although i wasnt really into it coz of depression. Acted as Fatimah, turned out quite well. after that, shermaine said that i stole her role from xi you ji. But act is only the name. Xi you ji that Fatimah was just lazing around. This Fatimah is a hardworking one. Grp members were Zhen Zhen, Christine, Steffi, Crystal and me. xin yun was very familiar with the script, the rest of us memorised our lines during recess [skipped recess] which wasnt a pleasant thing. Stomach was grumbling the whole time during maths lesson. Same thing, bored. hmmm... hope things go well tmr...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 ; 7:07 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
wa piang. today so horrid. went home early. Sick mah... act i also dunno if i'm really sick. everything happened WAY TOO FAST. i just sat on the chair and stareted to see thorugh my mistakes, then suddfenly my heart just beat like dunno what shit la. WALAO. fast nevermind... but it was DAMN hard. so scary. like you never feel, just go and see, can see the heart pumping.... then i go see doc, he said it was normal for girls to experience this. WTH? only girls meh??? so unjust. lol anw, it happened. and i hope it will NEVER happen again. phew. that was close. huilin thought i got heart attack or sth... heehee. Still feel kinda unsafe, maybe must go checkup. =.= hmmm. BIG thank you for those who helped me...i could have just fainted. gee.

Monday, August 20, 2007 ; 9:02 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
WAHH!!! leg stilll havent ok... wa piang... tmr got PE. wed got foot drill. thurs got morning jog. fri got cca. XIAN!!! stupid chinese still havent send to xin xian. CRAP. havent exactly translate yet. alamak. Chinese is SOOOOOO crap. lol. very crappy yea? haha. long time never post liao.. okay, not exactly long. whatever. still memorising guide test. quite early. fri test today learn. lucky tmr no common test la. if not really like hell liao. How come no one online one? so wierd.. surely ppl will com online[or are they just appearing offline]. hah. got sth fo rmy mortal. hope she likes it. haha. broke record of talking2 hrs on the phone. ok, that may be short for some ppl, but still longest for me. haha. looking forward to wed's plan. hope it goes smoothly. XD. haha. one more week jiu hols liao. so fast la! i thought this was week 6 or sth??? wth. kumon is [quite]easy now. still wanna announce again. "..... HAS OFFICIALLY CAUGHT UP WITH WINNIE FOR KUMON. WANTING SAYS THAT SHE WILL NOT LET WINNIE CATCH UP WITH HER..." haha. that was lamo. RI is nice. school like damn big la. sadly, campfire was SOO small. smaller thatn ours i think. lol. but the emcee was ok. one of the boys like got stage fright like that, i think he couldnt remember his lines. haha. i heard he lost his script too. so 'smart' of him right? anw, shouldnt comment too much on that guy. scarly he read then die liao. lol.[that wont happen] my blog/tagboard so dead one. no one tag.... dunno if going back MCS for teachers day. haiz...

Sunday, August 19, 2007 ; 11:57 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
shit la. yesterday go for camp fire sprained my leg. TT. Third time this year on the same leg la. walao. I dying of pain!! diao. later going to see docs.

Thursday, August 16, 2007 ; 9:14 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
whoa. I actually used the com. Didnt plan to. heehee. okay. post really short today. bye

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 ; 7:30 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
c-lit was boring today. It has always been boring. Wierd things happened too. Teacher ask if dunno what person will be succesful or not, i said no[ during clit] and got a chocolate. lolx. Un expected lor. did kumon during chinese period. got sick of it. dunno how to do. so hard. lolx. only at H lvl lor. dunno how Deb or JX survive. walao. bullied a cat today. not exactly bully. it tried to bite me, so stamp on the ground really hard and frightened it away. i dunno that cat. not the one at my door. is some strays. lolx. i am 'lol'ing a lot. dunno why. Wonder who is Amber. thinks shes my angel. But i dunno who that is. Maybe she disguised her name as well? Whose name starts with A besides anna and alana? cant be angeline right? cant be anna also. cant be Alana either. LOL. that is = to not saying anything abt it lor. The Chinese still havent do. will be doing later. Kumon also havent do. Will do it later. What have i been doing just now? OBVIOUS ANS: slacking+ watching TV+ walking around doing nth. Thats how i live. Waste my time in the afternoon, stay up late to do work. i watching 手足now. Think singapore drama sucks. prefer hong kong. much nicer. Sis got 23.5 out of 50 for english. She P1 only. P1 failing alr, how to come up to sec 1? like me... failing my test. haha. mum is scolding her, nagging at her, i dunno what she doing to her coz i close my room already. Throat hurts, have been like that for long long time. think its flu. bad bad flu. never see doc, thats why no medicine, not recovering. lazy to go docs, need to sit there and wait, such a waste of time, rather type on the com. Got back maths test today. Quite bad but passed. My mortal is quite nice. at least she repl ywhen i write to her. What should i get for her? i really dunno. And about the class pet, i wonder hat we gonna have. HuiYu told me that her hamsters all commited suicide. eww.... Gross. China kids came today. XinXian and ZhenZhen each bringing one of them home. Accomodate them la. then what. Todays post seemed abit no content. My posts have always been like that. lol. updated shared blog, those involved pls go see. I changed the skin. Quite sick of the old one. [those involved] if dun like tell me, still have the html for th old one. okay, my hand is tired. Been typing continuously.
signing off <33

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 ; 7:15 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
whatever.... dun like history test. didnt study much. left Textbook in school durng the so long hols. anyway, geog test result was satisfying. unexoectedly, but maybe that was the average for the class. whoa, huiyu so pro, almost top the class for all, heehee! dun like art, have art tmr. need to ENLARGE the stupid uniform thing.i'm happy happy today. no reason, felt kinda high. XD lolx. got the treasury frm weien. havent got the book yet only. oh well, during patrol meeting ate this gross thing... taste abit like rubber. not the one i ate in SCIENCE LAB! that one softer... okay. gtg print out clit for huiyu.

Saturday, August 11, 2007 ; 5:41 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
WTF!!! ONE VERY ULTRA SUPER SUPER HYPER IRRESPONSIBLE CHAP is in my science group.... say she wanted to do WHO research in the end never do. She wanted to take the job one la. Not as if we force her to. We asked lekhui to do one. then she's like saying she have the research already so she do. JUST NOW she asked someone else to pass a message to me saying that she cant find the information ask me to do. 2 WEEKS ALREADY LEH.She was supposed to give her research to me 2 weeks ago. Then she kept saying she will give it to me asap. I called her this morning. Ask her when she can give the research to me. She said later in the afternoon coz she will be using her com. As i said, 15 minutes ago, she said she cant find the info. If she cant find then she should at least tell me EARLIER la! now tell me how to find? F*C* her ass la. I really wonder, she DIDNT DARE to tell me personally that she couldnt do or that she REALLY CANT DO IT. really cant stand her. REALLY CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE. SO DAMN PISSED NOW.haiz... how come have this kind of member one?

Friday, August 10, 2007 ; 10:26 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Your Vampire Name Is...

Lady of the Far North
What's Your Vampire Name?
hey! that was my vampire name. HeehEE!!

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

--- is your soulmate.

You truly love Yu Ting.

You consider Amanda your true friend.

You know that --- is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Mandi for the rest of your life.

You secretly think Zhen Zhen is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Hui Yu is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that --- is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that --- changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Hui Lin is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Hui Lin has a hidden internet romance.
What Do You Think of Your Friends?XD

You Would Be a Pet Cat

Independent and aloof, you don't like to be dependent on anyone.
And as for other people, you can take them or leave them. You often don't care.
You live your life by your own rules. And you have deep motivations that no one truly understands.

Why you would make a great pet: You're not needy or greedy... unlike other four legged friends.

Why you would make a bad pet: You're not exactly running down to greet people at the door

What you would love about being a cat: Agility and freedom

What you would hate about being a cat: Being treated like a dog by clueless humans
What Kind of Pet Would You Be?Cool.

You Should Own a Husky

Athletic, free-spirited, and perfect for cuddling
What Kind of Dog Should You Have?COOL!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007 ; 9:52 AMY
Come back to me , will you ?
HAPPYNATIONAL DAY! whoa. so fast. sg already 42 years liao le. okay. shant talk about it. DISTURBIA was nice, a bit scary though. the last part. OOOH! movie was nice.i was so scared la. screamed and screamed and screamed!!!! heehee. very nice.. highly recommended to watch XD. Christine coming later. cant wait!!! shit.should have completed the game first. alamak la... now she cant trade me the pokemon. coz no national dex yet. shouldnt have restarted. i too jialihai alr. crappy crap. oh well. i gtg. byes!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 ; 8:57 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
4 days never blog. have quite some stuff to fill up. 2 more days, proud to say, its NATIONAL DAY. yepp. singapore's getting older and older, but government make it looks as if its always young. XD. ok. tmr is wed, 8th Aug. watching disturbia. waseh, planned this like 1 or 2 weeks ago. tmr finally going. dunno if can catch earlier one coz is like 1115? and school dismiss us at 1030. hmm.thurs, 9 aug, christine coming over. few reasons: CME, chi, POKEMON!!! haha. talking about christine, she damn lucky, cool to be exact. Revelation day is today. MY angel is shimin; mortal is munnyi. i've been quite 'silent' coz dun really write to her that often. CHRISTINE'S angel=mortal=CHERYL. so qiao. haha. Kumon havent do. gonna spend some time doing. haiz. so troublesome. doing 100+ alr. today street netball. quite fun although i didnt do anything much. some time latr shrmaine said she got headache. after in science lab, she say she very cold. in the end, turned out to be having fever. haiyo. tmr she can prob skip the whole processs of ND celebration. lots of ppl injured today too. especially victoria. victoria got almost her qhole knee bleeding. [ ok, i may be abit too exagerated], but nvm. PEARL is still progressing. currently at 3rd gym. completed 2 times. restart again. hope can make it this thurs. haha. say hard but not exactly hard, say easy not exactly easy. so it is equivalent to talking crap. XD. ok. gtg. bye!

Friday, August 3, 2007 ; 8:51 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
haiz. today so tired.finally is last day of week. next week still got 2 more days of sch. why cant they just call it off for the week? hmm. each they i grow, my life is shorter, perhaps longer. i hope. failed rules of health test. Hope i passed the other test too! OHNO~ gonna die... finished geog project. finished science. left with chinese and cme. wad the heck la. still wanna enjoy hols. MOVIIE! lolx. ok. go play PEARL. ((:

Thursday, August 2, 2007 ; 7:55 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
yesterday was very busy.Chem test was quite easy[ unexpectedly]. Hoipe can score for the test since physics and bio pulled me down so much. :((. haiz. after that went xinxian's house for geog project. Lek Hui was suppose to go. but she didn't. Completed the geog by ourselves, with info from christine maryanne and some from lek hui too. the board was horrid, coz we made lots of mistake. in the end, we manage to make it look better. :)) completed science too.MARYANNE MUST QUICKLY SEND ME THE WHO RESEARCH! IF NOT I CANT PRINT.. yepp. left with WHO research and we are done wth the science. YAY! currently studying for guides tmr. ASEAN. hmmm, quite a lot to remember. Poor brain, must have lost a lot of brain cells alr. XD. fed 3 kitties outside my house today. 2 of them were in my shoe rack. the other one was in the middle of the corridor. haha. ASEAN was formed on the 8th Aug 1967 with the blablalbla.... see? lots to memorise. T.T forget about sch stuff! 5 more days and its MOVIIE TIME~ disturbia. sounds really nice:) ok. back at work!

Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments.Henry Ward Beecher

Back To Past

x July 2007
x August 2007
x September 2007
x October 2007
x December 2007
x July 2008

Click to see my memories <3

The Girl

001. real name : wAN tING <33
002. nickname: WANTING!!!
003. single or taken : single
004. zodiac sign : scorpio!
005. male or female :FEMALE
006. elementary : mcs
007. high : ST NICKS!!!
008. college : If i can even pass my o levels
009. eye color : a bit brown.[A BIT]
010. hair color : brownish blackish[ around there. not sure either]
011. long or short hair : short
012. shoe size :isit important?!
013. asthma? : NEVER
014. are you health freak : depends
015. height : sadly 161[i grew ok!]
016. do you have a crush onsomeone: yes
017. do you like yourself: YEA...
018. piercings :yupp(:
019. tattoos : gross!!
020. righty or lefty: if you want neatness, right!!!
022. first surgery : na
023. first piercing : on the EAR
024. first best friend: not sure abt it myself
025. first movie : i cant remember....
026. First sport you joined :er... cycling[ if you consider that as 1]
027. first pet : hamster<33
028. first vacation : malaysia [i guess]
029. first concert: dunno leh
030. first crush : its a secret
049. eating : bread??
050. drinking : milk...
052. i'm about :your age
053. listening to : music
055. waiting for : my PRINCE charming to save me from this horrible world
57. wearing : underwear
058. want kids? : yea sure. why not?
059. want to get married? : how to hav ekids if you dun marry?-idiot-
060. careers in mind? : air stewardess [i must grow more!]
068. lips or eyes? :...
069. hugs or kisses : kiss? hugs? depends on what kind of guy (:
070. shorter or taller : TALLER LAH!!! how to date shorter one... DIU LIAN!!!
072. romantic or spontaneous: dunno... both also can
073. sensitive or loud: BOTH
074.. kissed a stranger : no, but i dare you to.
075. lost glasses/contact: no, i'm responsible you know [right]
076. ran away from home : na.
077. broken any bones : i guess not?
078. broken someone's heart : i doubt so. unless...
79. been arrested : hell no.
080. cried when someone died : i dun think anybody died yet
081. yourself: DUH!
082. miracles : unless it HAPPENS
083. love at first sight : maybe?
084. heaven : yes!
085. santa claus : LOL
086. fairies : people can't fly, even the smallest one. of course fairies doesn't exist.
087. angels : YEAH!!! all with GOD
097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? YES.
098. Is Superman really better than Batman? NO... both are weird to wear undies outside
099. Have you had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at the same time? why u wanna know?

Contacts & Stats

Beloved Loves



Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix
Talksss :D




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what i had.
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
thank you.
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Basecodes : purplekisses-
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