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Thursday, October 25, 2007 ; 7:54 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Heylo again. Went out with hl, mandi, shermae, erica, jolene and crystal. Not exactly very enjoyable but still a fruitful trip (: went to suntec, took many pictures. Ha, went to many boutique shops and tried on many cool stuff on. Ha. Took many pics in them too. hl wore this very feminine dress, she looked pretty. LOL. not important la. I'm so looking forward to SNG fiesta in 2008!!! (although not very keen to sell the tickets) haha. who doesnt want to enjoy and forget about the hardwork? Jolene's birthday is 1 week away. exactly one week. SO FAST! if thats the case, then mine will be nearing soon! hehe. nth to post liao. signing off--

Saturday, October 20, 2007 ; 1:40 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Dead-word to describe my blog[must use descriptive words right?]lol , long time never blog le. many reasons. 001. review test 002. nothing to blog. lol. went science centre yesterday. wasnt as enjoyable as the first time we went cuz this time round got time limit one. Somemore never do anything 'productive' as in what we like to do. Yea, so the whole time was listening to boring lectures and staring into space. Ha. This time round we weren't late. When we went to the Asian Civilisation museuem thingy, we went to the toilet cuz shermae had a stomachache. Ha. took many pictures in the toilet. not exactly alot but still, pictures were taken. I'm damn bothered by the drama thing la. Its like as if purity is so gonna chu1 chou3 again like what happened for dikir barat. Such a failure. currently deciding whether to meet up on monday to practice la. so irritating. what can we do? Our class is really not coopoerative at all la. Although we tried but still not much effort were made. It seems like we haven't learnt our lesson yet huh?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 ; 7:33 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Long time no blog le. So sian. Also dunno what to blog about. Hmm.... got back our all results recently. Quite satisfied with what i have but disappointed at the same time. Haiz. I pretty liked my chem results. Although i detests my physics' de. Lol. Let's not talk about MY disappointing result la. Went to Jolene's house yesterday. Was kinda fun. Ha. I was playin with nike like almost all the time cuz Jolene using the com playing pokemon, crystal sms-ing her BF and massaging her legs at the same time. Then, thought that there weren't be enough time to do the box, then started wrapping. The 2 still continued with what they were doing. Wrap...wrap...wrap... bored. Went to play with nike again. It somehow became my 'bf ' cuz jol and cryatal said so. LOL. So not true lor. Then, playplayplay with the dog, the dog began following me. So me and jolene decided to carry out the 'experiment' see who nike will follow. We both hold this veg up and kept calling nike's name. Guess the dog was confused. Want to go to both at the same time. Haha. Then, in the end, it went to me then jolene. lolx. i can conclude that dogs still go back to its owner. i'm so [not] jealous you know!! XP lol. Supposed to go to her house again today but dunno why never leh. So excited about tmr. Gonna have so much fun la! OOH!!! SO EXCITED!!! lol.

p.s feeling bored and lame and stupid now.....

Sunday, October 7, 2007 ; 5:06 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Review tests are finally over. Over for quite some time la. Was 'busy', so never blog lor. LOL.Anyways, glad that the tests are over although cheng yu and english REVISION are coming up. That's how nice the teachers put it. But that's their point of view. For students, its cheng yu and english DISASTER coming up. Ha. Thats right. I bet most of us are working on cramming again. Cramming all those 70 chengyu into their heads. Yepp. Wonderful,, isnt it? Sad news just came by. Many. Results. Results are like one of the MAJOR MAJOR news. TESTS were ONCE part of the major major thing, but not now la. PPR is worrying me. My History result was quite a shock for me. That goes for my English, Maths, Geog.... blablabla. Aya, not very happy for my results can le la. Another sadsadsad thing is that i kana sprained my tail bone. That's what the doctor said, first few days were horrible. Pain. Cant even sit down. Not even bend down. haiz...

Back To Past

x July 2007
x August 2007
x September 2007
x October 2007
x December 2007
x July 2008

Click to see my memories <3

The Girl

001. real name : wAN tING <33
002. nickname: WANTING!!!
003. single or taken : single
004. zodiac sign : scorpio!
005. male or female :FEMALE
006. elementary : mcs
007. high : ST NICKS!!!
008. college : If i can even pass my o levels
009. eye color : a bit brown.[A BIT]
010. hair color : brownish blackish[ around there. not sure either]
011. long or short hair : short
012. shoe size :isit important?!
013. asthma? : NEVER
014. are you health freak : depends
015. height : sadly 161[i grew ok!]
016. do you have a crush onsomeone: yes
017. do you like yourself: YEA...
018. piercings :yupp(:
019. tattoos : gross!!
020. righty or lefty: if you want neatness, right!!!
022. first surgery : na
023. first piercing : on the EAR
024. first best friend: not sure abt it myself
025. first movie : i cant remember....
026. First sport you joined :er... cycling[ if you consider that as 1]
027. first pet : hamster<33
028. first vacation : malaysia [i guess]
029. first concert: dunno leh
030. first crush : its a secret
049. eating : bread??
050. drinking : milk...
052. i'm about :your age
053. listening to : music
055. waiting for : my PRINCE charming to save me from this horrible world
57. wearing : underwear
058. want kids? : yea sure. why not?
059. want to get married? : how to hav ekids if you dun marry?-idiot-
060. careers in mind? : air stewardess [i must grow more!]
068. lips or eyes? :...
069. hugs or kisses : kiss? hugs? depends on what kind of guy (:
070. shorter or taller : TALLER LAH!!! how to date shorter one... DIU LIAN!!!
072. romantic or spontaneous: dunno... both also can
073. sensitive or loud: BOTH
074.. kissed a stranger : no, but i dare you to.
075. lost glasses/contact: no, i'm responsible you know [right]
076. ran away from home : na.
077. broken any bones : i guess not?
078. broken someone's heart : i doubt so. unless...
79. been arrested : hell no.
080. cried when someone died : i dun think anybody died yet
081. yourself: DUH!
082. miracles : unless it HAPPENS
083. love at first sight : maybe?
084. heaven : yes!
085. santa claus : LOL
086. fairies : people can't fly, even the smallest one. of course fairies doesn't exist.
087. angels : YEAH!!! all with GOD
097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? YES.
098. Is Superman really better than Batman? NO... both are weird to wear undies outside
099. Have you had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at the same time? why u wanna know?

Contacts & Stats

Beloved Loves



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Talksss :D




|6B 2006:)|
what i had.
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
thank you.
|adobe photoshop|


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Basecodes : purplekisses-
Photo : Photoshop CS