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Friday, September 28, 2007 ; 7:53 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
whoa, i damn long never post le. haha. Today got back science. Quite glad for my results. :D lemme post pics of the jolene and some pics huilin, mandi and i took, nt forgetting my HAMSTER!!!! XD
<--BFFL--> --- Haha, the cute one!--->
At the bus stop--->
Pretty Girls--->
"Walao! U trick me one!"--->
cute hor? yea. Btw, the last picture, jolene was just lookin into the camera and dont know who is in it cuz its internal camera. Haha. So she a bit no expression. HAHA! XD
P.S, jolene promised me, hl, mandi to see her dog. Hmm... when will that be?

Friday, September 21, 2007 ; 8:46 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Right, I'm damn pissed now. What is the job of a researcher? To research right? YES! TO RESEARCH! And you know the RESEARCHER in OUR group like NEVER seem to do anything. Argh. Saying some nonsense like "One person find take very long..." hmmm. I'm angry. Sry for short post. ARGH!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 ; 7:33 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Age is really catching up. Yesterday played softball today have muscle aches liaoz. Haiz. Blame it on myself for not being fit enough or blame Angeline's team for being too strong? Blehx. I'm repeating my softball topic again. B-O-R-I-N-G. Oh wells. Theres nth much to talk about. Hmmm... what have we done in school recently? [think...think...think...] Ah! I know! Lemme talk about today. Lessons as usual. Blablabla. After school stayed back for this "group study session" thingy. Yea. STUDY indeed. Just give you a brief description of what we STUDIED. We did art directly after school. I think Mandi got angry with the art "postion" thing. Luckily she isn't a petty person. Things got much better after that i guess. Ha, Jolene was damn cute. Actually she IS. Lol. She is so fun to tickle with. As in the reaction she has when you tickle her is damndamndamn cute la. She roll on the floor, jump around.... aiya, whatever reaction also have one la. And all of them are funny. HAHAHA. lol. Then after i do art, waiting for hl to finish hers, i 'played' with jolene for a while. took her bottle and ran around like crazy. Lock myself in the toilet cubicle to prevent her from taking her bottle back. And in the end, she tried to climb over from the other cubicles to the one that i am in. It was so dunny. She was climbing whiloe carrying her bag. So imagine the 'load' she has to carry and she is soo tiny. Or maybe its just her bag being empty. then after that when she finally climb to the 'top' of the cubicle door, i hurry ran out and back to class. Then she said she wanted to drink. So i squirted water into her mouth. I think i squirted too much or sth, she said water got into her nose after spitting the mouth of water on the floor. I know its like damn EW, but its funny to see her reaction like that. Ha. She is so jolly, like nv angry one la! Even after i 'squashed' her bottle. LOL, then after that i thought it was quite late, i 'returned' her her bottle and let her go home. So, this is hl and my little experience with her.
Oh yea, during chinese lesson, zhang lao shi was splitting us into groups for the SEA presentation thingy. I was in the rubbish group, as in clearing rubbish group. Yepp, voluntary one lor. Nobody forced me. (: Then it was quite unfortunate for me to become the 'leader' for that section cuz lao shi was saying that i was fierce? Like, in what way la? She said that i would if i see a paper on the floor or sth, i would be nagging and nagging. Haiz. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I thought that the leader would be XX or HL. NEVER thought that i was the leader. Haiz... I'm so gonna have a DAMNDAMNDAMN hard time with lekhui i guess? I don't think she's very cooperative lor. Maybe i am wrong, and i HOPE i am. Haiz... Poor me. XP

P.S Tmr so gonna fail for english test
P.S.S Just coming to realise that my blog is becoming DEADER and DEADER. That was random. =.=

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 ; 7:03 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Aha, i haven't posted for 1 week. Bleh. There's simply nothing to post about. Really NOTHING. I mean it. LOL. That was pretty lame... Oh wells. Anyway, review test have started to flood my life. Its really tiring. Wanting to study and not to at the same time. Want cuz scared ltr FAIL. Dun want cuz cant be bothered. So its like... u know. E-lit test went 'GREAT'. I didnt manage to finish the paper. But at least i finished my sentence. Haiz... Those damn questions really gave me a headache. Funny questions teachers ask, don't they? Argh! Chinese test went quite horribly today. Questions were damn hard. Especially the li jie wen da part. Lol, i dunno how to do the last question. Answered damn long but in the end also lead to one point that i mentioned in the starting of the sentence. Ha. That section might just fail. Zhang lao shi already marked the cloze passage part already and she will be giving the papers back to ask like TOMORROW if i remembered correctly. Is she some kind of superwoman or something? Mark SO fast! History common test 3 was only returned to ask like last friday? OMG, that one was pretty slow. Nvm about that now, its over and shall not brood over it. Just hope that i can pass my tests. That would probably be satisfactory. x)

PE was tiring. Softball. Ha. Seemed interesting game, but its TIRING. Argh, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing to play with Angeline's group. They are good. Maybe the members are good. Aha. hit so far and made my team ran until we were like... dehydrated? Hmm.

I can't wait for review tests to be over. [2nd October, still got quite a long way to go] After that can enjoy liaoz. Parties and stuff yea? I enlarged my font cuz it seemed a bit too small. Hope this is the right size yea?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 ; 6:01 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Haven't been posting for some time. Lots had happened. Haiz. Wednesday today, had ting xie. Its a sure fail. Congratulate me if i passed. Ha. Yesterday had Chem test. OMG, its a fail also. Studied untill 11 pass. Moral:Don't burn midnight oil. I TOTALLY didn't have the energy to do the test properly la! Still in the groggy sleepy mood. Haiz. New term. New seats. We change our seats early in the morning without ms lee's permission. She was kinda angry when she realised that we changed[ which was quite slow] and told us to get back .But after the pledge taking and stuff, she told us that she allow us to sit as our desire but must be quiet in class. So now I'm currently sitting with Hui Lin. Althogh a bit quiet, she's fun to be with. She can talk a lot when she wants to, and pays 100% attention everytime. Mandi and Xin Xian now sits behind us. So we have 2 smart arses behind us. Quite convenient for me la, cuz ask questions also easier. :) Hmm. gtg do KUMON.

siugning off,

Friday, September 7, 2007 ; 8:29 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
Tiring day. Woke up at 6.45am in the morning. Yesterday slept at 2 plus. Why? Reason ery simple. TOO excited for today. Haha. It was planned, and it happened. Hui Lin came over to my place.Haha, for a long long long time too. From early in the morning 7 to 6.30 in the evening. Mandi was supposed to come too. But she said she wanted to study so didn't. Haiz, if she came, then we would probably need to pay less for neoprints and stuff. We dod work in the morning: Art[Thx, HL got me the acryllic paint], History[coz Hui Lin forgot to bring her book home], Elit[I needed help]. We did quite a lot of fun stuff. Oh yes, after Art, washed up in the toilet[duh... where else can you wash it]... I dunno what i sprayed onto the pallet, and it gave off a super stinky smell that we couldn't really stand it. Haha. That was uber ewww..... After that, we got bored and tired, with my mom always reminding us to take our lunch. My mom finally gave up and went out with my sister before us. Then i went to bathe, blablabla...... Went to AMKhub. Been there 2 days ago but dunno why wasn't feeling very well. Ha. Ate Mos burger, took many neoprints, ate cheesy hotdog, ate the ice cream thing. Then, walked to the AMK library to return my books. HAHAHA. Were laughing damn madly like crazy women and walking like drunkens coz we couldn't balance ourselves while laughing. HAHAHAH. I think the cause of it is a dog. It barked, i got frieked out, HL started lkaughing, i started laughing to. LOL. I know its lame, but the laughing period lasted quite some time. Ahh, we came back to my house and was tred. Settled down and watched VCDs. It was nice, although we don't really know what the heck was happpening. So.... it was kinda 'a waste of time' but still worth it. After that, HL went home. I went to take dinner and clear the mess in my room. WA! SUCH A GREAT DAY. YEPP!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 ; 3:19 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?

what's that circle thing looking at me?

Peek a boo! My home sweet home!

*Yawn... So tired after running.Lazy to go home. Sleep here for the night!

Heehee, my hamster cute right? Haiz, very h0ard to capture his pictures. Never stop moving!! Will post more when i manage to take picture of him again. (:

Monday, September 3, 2007 ; 2:23 PMY
Come back to me , will you ?
YOOHOO! Finally can use internet and phone. so dao mei. Both have been down at the same time. Luckily BOTH have been fixed at the same time. LOL. Feeling damn random. I know my post is getting more and more BORING. Or maybe it has been BORING from the start.Weird. During school, I simply LONGED for holidays. Now when its a holiday, I feel bored. Wondered what had happened to all my plans that i planned in school nefore the holidays. BLEH. I'm tired, bored, hungry, sleepy.... I really dunno what to do. Hoilday is meant to be for fun and for relaxation purposes. BUT, this WONDERFUL holiday just gave me SO much time to enjoy. Unless ou are stupid, you know what i mean right? LOL. Sheesh! LOVE holidays but HATE holiday homework. Haiz....

Back To Past

x July 2007
x August 2007
x September 2007
x October 2007
x December 2007
x July 2008

Click to see my memories <3

The Girl

001. real name : wAN tING <33
002. nickname: WANTING!!!
003. single or taken : single
004. zodiac sign : scorpio!
005. male or female :FEMALE
006. elementary : mcs
007. high : ST NICKS!!!
008. college : If i can even pass my o levels
009. eye color : a bit brown.[A BIT]
010. hair color : brownish blackish[ around there. not sure either]
011. long or short hair : short
012. shoe size :isit important?!
013. asthma? : NEVER
014. are you health freak : depends
015. height : sadly 161[i grew ok!]
016. do you have a crush onsomeone: yes
017. do you like yourself: YEA...
018. piercings :yupp(:
019. tattoos : gross!!
020. righty or lefty: if you want neatness, right!!!
022. first surgery : na
023. first piercing : on the EAR
024. first best friend: not sure abt it myself
025. first movie : i cant remember....
026. First sport you joined :er... cycling[ if you consider that as 1]
027. first pet : hamster<33
028. first vacation : malaysia [i guess]
029. first concert: dunno leh
030. first crush : its a secret
049. eating : bread??
050. drinking : milk...
052. i'm about :your age
053. listening to : music
055. waiting for : my PRINCE charming to save me from this horrible world
57. wearing : underwear
058. want kids? : yea sure. why not?
059. want to get married? : how to hav ekids if you dun marry?-idiot-
060. careers in mind? : air stewardess [i must grow more!]
068. lips or eyes? :...
069. hugs or kisses : kiss? hugs? depends on what kind of guy (:
070. shorter or taller : TALLER LAH!!! how to date shorter one... DIU LIAN!!!
072. romantic or spontaneous: dunno... both also can
073. sensitive or loud: BOTH
074.. kissed a stranger : no, but i dare you to.
075. lost glasses/contact: no, i'm responsible you know [right]
076. ran away from home : na.
077. broken any bones : i guess not?
078. broken someone's heart : i doubt so. unless...
79. been arrested : hell no.
080. cried when someone died : i dun think anybody died yet
081. yourself: DUH!
082. miracles : unless it HAPPENS
083. love at first sight : maybe?
084. heaven : yes!
085. santa claus : LOL
086. fairies : people can't fly, even the smallest one. of course fairies doesn't exist.
087. angels : YEAH!!! all with GOD
097. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? YES.
098. Is Superman really better than Batman? NO... both are weird to wear undies outside
099. Have you had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at the same time? why u wanna know?

Contacts & Stats

Beloved Loves



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Talksss :D




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what i had.
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
thank you.
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